Sunday 19 February 2012

flask in a field!

Flask in a field was born a couple of years ago, when yearning for some place we could go together as a family on a Sunday, it occurred to us that it was right there in front of us all along. A field! In fact lots of fields! So packing up a flask and some biscuits and a blanket we headed off to a field. We chose the field we had our cows in, so set up amidst them. And it was just perfect, far enough away to feel like we were 'out', yet so familiar that we could mess amongst the little crevices and climb the rocks and hang out with our bovine pals - whose names happen to be Bertha and Roisin, with Brambles and Easter their gorgeous calves respectively! They tended to wander over after having their fill of hay just to see what we had in our basket! So every Sunday,with the exception of dodgy weather, we set out for our picnic! And when 3 became 4, Ro took to these trips gladly - i mean, who doesn't love licking sea snails in the grass...YIKES!!! And thats the history!
So today we had our first flask in a field of 2012, we would have had it sooner but due to some fairly yukky weather and a growing bump that made me want to just stay home, feet up drinking tea, it got put on hold! So today was it. And since it was such a glorious day, we visited the ladies (that would be the cows...ahem) and took ourselves off to the outskirts of the island so we could hang out by the sea and we had tea and pancakes with syrup and games of chasing (well actually the boys and puppies had games of chasing, mammy sat drinking said tea, taking pictures and generally know, important stuff in its own right :) !!!) and digging, climbling and knocking barnacles from the rocks to bring home to the ducks. Ah yes, a flask in a field brings out the simple pleasures in life......

Hope you had a glorious day wherever you are!

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