Friday 16 March 2012

the truth of the matter is......

that in spite of all the great plans I had for my garden, in spite of the planning I did , albeit in my head, of where my courgettes would grow happily, my beetroot and chard, my salads and tomatoes, my peas and of all the wonderful flowers I intended on planting, that my garden actually and currently looks like this....

I know, I know, try not to look too long, I'll not be held responsible for any damage caused to your eyes! So yes, this is my garden. And this upheaval has been caused by a little shed. A little shed that I gifted daddy for Christmas a year ago. A little shed that happened to require a concrete foundation which led to the almost complete destruction of the garden I had been working hard on for the last couple of years. I was very sad that day! Or mad, I can't remember which, most likely both. But now the shed is built and this is what I'm left to 'fix' so that we can get at least a little harvest of mammy veg this year - daddy's veg however, consisting of our years supply of potatoes, cabbages and onions is well taken care of, so needless to say we won't starve - but mammy veg is a bit more fun.
So after a good look about the garden on a beautiful afternoon this week, it made me very very happy to see little signs of spring about the place...

To see the strength of the lilies, strawberries, garlic - even though it looks totally trampled...and most probably is, and rhubarb, stretching upwards to the sun out of the huge amounts of sandy soil is all inspiring, and I've decided that if they can get over the mess, well then so can I! And thats what I'm doing, one bit at a time. I've replanted a fruit bed with strawberries, honeyberry and boysenberry. I've sown my courgettes and mixed hot peppers in window propagators, I've sown some Tumbler Tomatoes and almost finished preparing another bed for some salads, and I've planted some bulbs in window boxes. Baby steps but oh so satisfying! And with an ever growing baby bump, baby steps definitely are the ones to take. So while I slowly make progress on my garden, I'm going to keep reminding myself to take a breath and remember that I love Spring. I really do!I love how life starts to appear everywhere I look, and that even on rainy days, it still smells like Spring and thats a wonderful thing. So taking a leaf from the ducks book (see them hanging out below), I'll make sure to have a cup of tea on the bench often, and appreciate whats all around me, and how truly grateful I am to have it! 

Spring is in the air.......