Sunday 13 May 2012

:: simply ::

:: inspired by the 'this moment' series from my absolute favourite blog SouleMama, no post just a simple picture - please feel welcome to join in.::

windswept and eh....interesting????

What is going on with the weather lately. I'm not usually a weather complainer normally, and can pretty much cope with whatever is thrown at me out here on the island, but for May it all just seems a little mad!! Wind wind and more wind, and a north one at that which brings the cold! All this does not bode well for my little plants that I'm trying to get hardened off to plant out for this years crop of veg and salads! I've already lost about 20 courgette plants - but being honest, my relationship with these plants are always a little dodgy - but most of my other ones appear to be getting murdered. Ideally I'd love two weeks of sunny May weather, with good heavy rain at night! Ah wouldn't that be blissful! I reckon that would give my plantlings a chance. The pressure to get the garden established is coinciding with the arrival of baby no 3 at the start of July, where I fear at that point tending to the garden will be a distant memory! Albeit being replaced with wonderful ones! So here I sit, looking at various things being blown past outside my kitchen window, and I'll attempt later to secure further some of the bionet and garden fleece that I've thrown over various things to protect for fear of them inflating like balloons and taking my salad boxes and tomatoes across the water to Inis Meain!!

I know, its looking a bit rough and pitiful isn't it....

And just when I think that the weather is the only thing conspiring against me, I walk out my front door and am faced with this...

This planter WAS full of cottage flowery it appears it just full of hen!